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Eyal Weiser, Born in Israel, 1975, Lives and works in Tel Aviv.

Graduate MA and BA programs for theater writing and directing (Department of Theater Arts/Tel Aviv University), Graduate "Beit-Zvi" School of the preforming arts, Graduate directing course (Room Theater) and the Performance Art Workshop (Performance Art Platform/Tel Aviv). Playwright and director of "How's the Beast?" (Israel Festival 2015), "Merchav" (Little Islands Festival - Greece, Artvera Gallery - Geneva,Switzerland, Haifa Museum, Hezi Cohen Gallery- Israel, Amelie A. Wallace Gallery - New York), "Nystagmus" (Münchner Volkstheater), "This is the Land – The Zionist Creation Rejects' Salon" (Winner of Israeli 2013 FringeTheater Awards: Best stage language, The Master Class Award - Radikal Jung Festival 2014), "Mein Jerusalem" (Winner of Israeli 2012 Fringe Theater Awards: Best Show and Best Director, The Critics' Choice Award - Radikal Jung Festival 2013), "Hokey-Pokey", "Ayeka?" and "Vetu Lo" (Best Fringe performance 2005 - Ha'aretz Newspaper), Playwright of "Shufra" (Best Fringe performance 2007 - Time Out magazine). His productions performed at the Volksbühne Theater (Berlin), THOC (Cyprus National Theater), Vienna Volkstheater (Austria), Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum - Power Station of Art (China), Centrum Kultury Lublin (Six Verbs Movement as a part of Konfrontacja Teatralne Festival, Poland) IATI Theater (New York), Media Bureau (Philadelphia), ROXY Theater (Culturescapes Festival, Basel, Switzerland), Tristan-Bates Theater (London), Tmuna Theater, Beit Lessin Theater, ZOA Theater (Tel-Aviv), Arab-Hebrew Theatre, Mandel Culture Center (Jaffa), Haifa Theater, Giv'atayim Theater, Acre Theater Center, The Lab, Beit Mazia (Jerusalem), The Shlomi Center for Alternative Theater, Arad Contemporary Art Center and the Israeli Center for Digital Art (Holon).

Recipient of the prestigious Rosenblum Prize for Performance Art - 2012, Recipient of the America Israel Culture Foundation writing scholarship and the David Mercer and Josef Levi acting scholarship, worked as lector for Habima Theater and as a culture journalist in several newspapers and magazines. Today works as a content consultant to several private businesses and production houses and as a moderator of acting and storytelling workshops.





The judges of the Rosenblum Prize have decided to grant the award to  promising artist Eyal Weiser; one of the most prominent, prolific, original, and innovative creators in Israeli independent theater.


Weiser's work as a writer and director is characterized by an impressive scope of work on an extraordinary level of quality on all aspects – his choice of theme, design of genre and performance syntax.


In his series of satires, Weiser stares down the dysfunctional Israeli society and the cold detachment of universal post-modern reality, with the unflinching and sharp criticism that has been absent from Israeli stages since Hanoch Levin's mythological works.


In the series of monologues in his work "And nothing more (Vetu Lo)", Weiser aims his weapons against the plagues of Israeli society – the hypocrisy, the veiled violence, the snobbish condescension, and more. "Shufra" is a brilliant representation of the madness of confusion, the complexes, deviant urges and searches for identity in the younger Israeli generation growing in the shadow of a political dead end and the dismantlement of all values. In "Ayeka?", Weiser takes a generic turn into children's songs, exposing anxiety, obsession, and other repressed aspects of the Israeli and universal experience. In a meta-theatrical setting of rehearsals at a fringe theater, "Hokey Pokey" shows the cruelty, the humiliation, the effects of the Holocaust syndrome, and the internalized racial stereotypes of Israeli society, to the level of absurdity. His project "Mein Jerusalem – A performance by Sabina Sauber", forms an imaginary biography of a Berlin-based conceptual photographer-artist, a kind of "everywoman" of our times, whose search for an authentic identity merges with key points in global history by use of video works that create a virtual reality. Finally, his newest project "This is the Land - The Zionist Creation Rejects' Salon", is a multi-disciplinary work of art, merging performers in different medias in a critical alternative to the Prize for Zionist Art.









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